21 de out. de 2010

the secrets of Noah's ark

Venus, the ancient Eden beside the Earth, the planets are the same size, they are twins.

Images obtained from NASA (https://solarsystem.nasa.gov//planets/index.cfm)

If God separated the waters, He could also join them again. In the flood God brought the two planets together and transferred the waters from Eden to Earth. In Genesis 7:11 he reports that all the fountains of the great abyss were broken and the windows of heaven were opened. If the windows of heaven were opened then the waters came from space. The force of attraction of the planet has blown the Earth's mantle, breaking the sources of the great abyss. Eden was transformed entirely into a lake of fire that burns with sulfur because God destroyed it as mentioned in Genesis 6:13. Eden is the current planet Venus.

The garden of Eden was in an elevated region, and is currently north of Venus. Assyria and the rivers Pisom, Giom, Tigre (Hiddekel in the Hebrew version) and Euphrates mentioned in Genesis 2:10, are quotes from Eden and not from Earth. The culture of Eden came with Noah and his sons and that is where the geographic names on Earth (Iraq) came from, and where men are still looking for the garden of Eden.

The civilization of Eden remained for 40 thousand years, from Adam until the flood (1656 years in God's time, it must be multiplied by 24, as a day), but ended up being destroyed after the war between Archangel Michael and the dragon. The dragon, defeated in the war, left his throne and great power to a beast (Revelation 13:4), and dragged after him a third of the stars of Heaven (Revelation 12:4). In principle, the war in Heaven should not affect the peoples of Eden, but the civilization of Eden ended up being destroyed in Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) in an attempt to contain the power that the dragon gave to the beast and almost extinguished the human species. God repented of making man (Genesis 6:6), sent the flood and transferred creation to Earth with Noah.

The civilization of Eden was destroyed in Armageddon in an attempt to contain the power that the dragon gave the beast and almost extinguished the human species. God repented of making man in Eden (Genesis 6:13), sent the flood and transferred the creation of Eden to Earth with Noah. In Genesis 6:12 he reports, without the details that appear in the book of Revelation (12 to 19), that all flesh had corrupted its way on earth.

There are two biblical accounts that refer to the destruction of creation: On Earth and in Eden.

On Earth were the men created on the sixth day of creation, the Neanderthals who coexisted with humans and also the descendants of Cain, who had reasoning and speech. In Genesis 6:7 it says that God decided to destroy men and animals from the face of the earth. Jesus Christ spoke in Matthew 24:38 that men ate, drank, married and gave in marriage and the flood took them all away. Jesus was talking about the man God created on earth and not the man God formed in Eden.
● Genesis 6:7 » And Jehovah said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the ground; both man, and beast, and creeping things, and birds of the heavens; for it repenteth me that I have made them.   

In Eden, men were destroying themselves in a bloody battle at Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) between those who were faithful to the Lamb and worshipers of the beast and God decided to destroy men along with the earth (Genesis 6:13). The Earth was not destroyed, but Eden was. The word earth applies to both planet Earth and Eden.
● Genesis 6:13 » And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.   

The preservation of God's creation in the flood

The transfer of creation was a grandiose project and included Noah, responsible for building the ark. It is understood that Noah was a shipbuilder. It can be understood through Revelation 18:17 that a shipbuilding industry already existed in Eden. 
● Revelation 18:17 » for in an hour so great riches is made desolate. And every shipmaster, and every one that saileth any wither, and mariners, and as many as gain their living by sea, stood afar off,   

God introduced into the ark all kinds of animals that existed in Eden. Eden species were more evolved than Earth species. In Genesis 7:15, he reports that “two of two of all the flesh in which there was a spirit of life came into Noah's ark,” it is understood that they were not living species, but stem cells or embryos, and God it formed the species on Earth in the same way as it had formed in Eden. Noah and his family came to life because they had a self-generated spirit (the knowledge of good and evil), it was necessary for the spirit to be perpetuated in their descendants.
● Genesis 7:15 » And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh wherein is the breath of life.   
● Genesis 7:16 » And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God commanded him: and Jehovah shut him in.   

In the ark came Noah and his family, and some domestic animals. It is understood by the texts in Genesis 6:21 that the food taken to the ark was intended for Noah and his family, and not for animals. It was not possible to light a fire inside the ark.
● Genesis 6:21 » And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.   

The flood was made by the approximation of the two planets, Eden and Earth. On Earth, all the sources of the great abyss broke and the windows of heaven were opened (Genesis 7:11), while Eden lost the waters, part of its crust and even its Moon (Mercury).

In the flood came: Noah, his wife, his children (Shem, Cam and Japheth) and their children's wives. From the three sons of Noah (Genesis 9:19) the whole earth was populated. The wives of Noah's sons represent three different genetic lineages (possibly: Africans, Europeans and Asians) and that lineage already existed in Eden. Noah and his family were witnesses of God's creation, it was the lamps that kept the flame of life alight.

From the flood to the beginning of the Christian era, it was twenty-four thousand years (a thousand years as one day). Scholars are able to understand the culture of man only through archaeological finds and cave paintings left by the descendants of Cain, but fail to visualize the culture of Eden. The men of Eden were evolved, and this is reported in Revelation chapter 18 (from verses 9 to 22). It is the missing link of humanity.

These issues are clarified through the book Time of God, in Portuguese language.
See full subject:
Tempo de Deus.